Dienstag, 23. August 2016

Hannah goes animal rights activist!

I just had a fun phone call with the coordinator of the animal welfare NGO I'm volunteering with - looks like I'll be part of a raid against an animal hoarder this friday. Whew! I've watched dozens of clips on youtube, but I never thought I'd take part in such a thing.
But here I am, giddy with anticipation and dreading it at the same time. It won't be as bad as you might imagine, but probably bad enough with more than 60 dogs who never had any real human contact.
The raid will take place on Friday, but I'm already thinking about what I might have to bring and prepare-- leashes, my collection of muzzles, blankets (because panicked dogs pee a lot), water bottles, a bowl, a pot of dog treats and some sausage, because nothing says "I love you" like cubes of ham :D

And I might end up with another foster dog. Happy times.

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