Two more days to go until my exam! I feel guilty for not writing the last few weeks, but it had to be done. I tried writing once or twice, but studying English Literature and Linguistics and then trying to
not drift off into analyses of the words I just wrote was impossible. I confused myself, so I had to put my stories aside and concentrate on the studies.
Yeah... I didn't do well with studying. :D I found a million excuses to do something else, but couldn't quite get into the spirit of learning stuff.
At least my fish tank is cleaner than ever. |
Never mind that, though. I've always had a problem with anxiety ("exam nerves", which sounds too cute for my taste - it's a debilitating anxiety disorder, people) and I know how this will work out. I will fail that exam, become much calmer and take it a second time in better spirits. And I'll be able to write again!
I wish you all pleasant holidays!