Welcome, willkommen, bienvenue, bienvenido!
I finally got around to designing a blog for my work as an author and I'm thrilled you found me! As I dive deeper and deeper into the workings of being an author-- which I now proudly am able to call myself-- I discovered a few things I didn't know before. For instance, a good author has a blog. Not one of those strictly on-topic-blogs, but a kind of welcome-sign for his or her readers to congregate and communicate.
And here I always thought I'd be able to skip the spotlight :D
No more skipping my fans for me, though, I am taking this very seriously and I'll try my best to keep you up to date on my work and other interesting topics that coincide with my stories.
Since you are new to this site- after all, it's all but a few hours old- let me give you a tour. I tried to make the layout as easy on the eyes and structured as possible, but since I've been staring at it for hours and hours, maybe you can give me some pointers as to what's still missing and what parts I should keep working on.
About the Author
I admit, I hate talking about myself. I think this is a flaw most ladies share and it's really hard to overcome. I've tried to give you a short and crispy insight into little ol' me, but it'll definitely get a do-over, as soon as I know what is bothering me with that site. And a picture! Of course I'll add a sufficiently preposterous picture :)
Free Appetizers
This section will hold all my short stories and vignettes, free reading material for new and old visitors. I added a little icon index to make browsing easier. It'll make sense as soon as there's more than one link.
Books by me
You actually can't see that category yet, since I didn't like how empty it looked. I'll fill it with my published works, release dates, covers and reviews, as soon as there is something to show you. Patience, patience!
My worlds
A big thanks to my friend Denise for suggesting this category! Since I'm one of those writers who like to create their universes for more than one story, I'll put all my backgrounds and side information, those little tid-bits of knowledge that won't actually be in any of my stories but still might tickle your fancy, in there.
So, you like? What additions to my blog would you suggest?
Any update for "Unwilling"
LöschenNo, not yet. I am finishing "Shapeshifter" right now, which will be done in the next two weeks, then I'll take care of "Unwilling" and publish it at the usual haunts :)